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fundraising 💸I want to win retail listings
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I want to test new products
I want to build hype
I want to raise capital
I want to connect and collaborate with other brands
Products that will make you happy
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Club of Really Good
A free Slack community for mission-driven brands to connect, collaborate and grow.
Retail Expansion
The Breakthrough Score
The world’s first 🌎 AI-powered score that predicts the likelihood of success 💰 of every product.
Retail Expansion
Breakthrough Report
The only report ☝ you’ll ever need to convince retail buyers 💸 and understand your category 🛍️.
Retail Expansion
Affinity Pulse
Map 📍 the regions, cities, towns and store types 🛒 where your product is most likely to sell.
Here’s what people say about us
Stephanie Jordan-Balmforth
“Having been in the wine and spirits business for nearly two decades, working with both industry giants and breakthrough boutique brands—including my own, Avallen Spirits—I’ve seen a lot. What still surprises me most is our industry’s resistance to change and real game-changing innovation. We’re one of the last industries to meaningfully embrace technology, yet the team at RGC is finding a way to resonate within our space. They’re creating an intelligent tool that allows ethical businesses like ours to stand out, not just through our mission, but with solid data. Actual facts that showcase what today’s drinkers are searching for. I love their mission to democratize access to quality data and support brands that stand for great-tasting drinks that don’t cost the planet!”
Chloe Carter
“Our agency works with a number of brands looking to win listings and we wouldn’t pitch for listings without Breakthrough data and Watch Humans Try It reviews. the former literally ranks products to show where they’d sit on shelf in terms of performance. For the latter, I can specify which retailer I’m going after - and collect reviews from customers of that retailer. So in my pitches, now I’ll leave the buyer with dozens of their customers trying the products. It’s so simple and so great.”
Cata Gorgulho
“Working with the RGC team has been amazing. They’ve been so filled with ideas and excitement. When I heard about what their category and Breakthrough data could do, I thought it had to be too good to be true. I was wrong. Not only is it rich in insight but it’s also deep in granularity. Finding data on my sub-category; at least anything with any real depth, had been impossible. I tried Neilsen, Kantar and Mindtel - and besides being extortionate - the data could only give me broader category insights. I would recommend particularly for anyone who is in quite a niche category, attempting to define a new category - or has product ranges that aren’t typical within a category.”
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