Watch Humans Try It

Video Reviews 📱 made by Humans for Humans

Real Reviews. Real Humans. Some Animals. Up to 307% conversion increase.

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Watch Humans Try It

Make Video Reviews. Get Free Stuff.

The new era of video-first reviews

Goodbye, staged influencer posts. 👋

Showing real people's unfiltered reactions is the most transparent thing a brand can do. Eliminate the mistrust.

Integrate a short-form video feed into your e-commerce website to elevate your digital shopfront.

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Supporting Mission-driven

We’re the world’s first video review site that recognises the importance of quality and impact. Designed to support the success of the most mission-driven products.

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Real reviews. Real humans.

Video is the most engaging and trusted form of product promotion. People crave seeing authentic experiences over polished ads.

Humanise your product and let people see themselves in the experience before they buy.

Also video means no chat-bot fake reviews and no click-farms half way across the world.

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Sell more.

Watch Humans Try It is the gold standard when it comes to reviews.

That's because our 7x more likely to be engaged with, and see a 307% conversion increase over written reviews.

If you're selling anything online, Watch Humans Try It is an absolute no-brainer.

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