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Showcase your transparency with video reviews and your Really Good Score™.


Take your digital shopfront to the next level

Your Really Good Score™ combined with Watch Humans Try It video reviews gives unmatched authenticity and transparency for your customers.

Plain old text reviews could never compete.

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Prove you are not just good

Sell More.

Turn baskets into sales with the most powerful social proofing there is. Increase basket conversion over 300%.

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Real humans. Real reviews

Video reviews turn passive browsing into a multimedia experience, and converts the browsers into buyers.

Watch Humans Try It allows your potential customers see real people experiencing your product, and confirms your brand’s credibility as the ultimate transparency tool. Also video means no chat-bot fake reviews and no click-farms half way across the world.

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Stand out

Be a pioneering brand that shows authentic video feedback - not just influencers being paid to like your product. That’s why our reviews are engaged with 7x more than written ones.

Every review is traceable and accountable, and putting faces to reviews, there is a huge incentive for them to be more honest.

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Our D2C Performance Suite

If you’re not using these, your business is missing out

D2C Performance

Watch Humans Try It

Video reviews 📱 made by humans, for humans.


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