Range Reviews

Grow 🌱your category with the richest product Data Source on planet Earth 🌍 powered by AI

Turn 6 weeks of research into 6 minutes of light reading.

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How does it work?

Sell more by combining the power of Breakthrough Scores, Category X and Affinity Pulse to inform which products are the most likely to grow your category.

Quantify which sub-categories are worth investing in.

Ensure you list the right products for specific store locations and formats to drive rates of sale locally.

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Every barcoded product

Find every product with a barcode ranked by likelihood of success.

Plus, thousands of un-barcoded products that are still in market stalls waiting to sit on the shelves.

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Save time

Don’t spend six weeks trawling through hundreds of spreadsheets.

Access a rich data source with every product, in every category ranked by likelihood of success. All in one place.

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Master your distribution strategy.

Unpack which locations and store formats are most likely to sell the products with Affinity Pulse.

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