Good jobs for bad people

The digital hang-out for job-hunters, job-havers, and job-haters alike 😈.

Good Jobs for Bad People is the new home for finding job opportunities from Really Good companies, navigating our economy, and being part of a community of people that hate LinkedIn (but secretly love it).

There’ll be heaps of inspiration, tips, opportunities, good prizes, and and a whole lot of tough love - minus any stress or doomsday vibes.

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Good Jobs for Bad People
Good Jobs for Bad People

What’s in it for you?


What’s in it for you?

Meet the

Head Honcho

Head Honcho



Hey Money Makers!

If you love to hate LinkedIn but can’t get enough of it, want to find a new job, need some inspiration, a community to be a part of, or just want to hang out digitally with me a few times a month.

This newsletter is for you.

I won’t tell you how to sell stock online or about crypto because there’s loads of guys on YouTube that can do that. I will tell you about amazing brands hiring globally, life in a tech start-up, how to interpret economic changes, weird competitions, freelance work, side hustles, working abroad, and silly anecdotes. My specialities are tough love, constructive-criticism and solution-based empathy.

We started Good Jobs For Bad People in response to a viral hiring video TikTok video. We had over 2000 applicants apply to a few roles, and we were like - what the hell do we do with all these people? How do we give them value if we can’t hire them?

What started as a few events in a local brewery with a bunch of cool brands and people looking for new roles, has grown into a community of super cool people: students, freelancers, full-time, corporate, start-up and part-time workers.

Join us. It’s pretty chill and nice.


Creative Lead & Office Mummy

Izz ThompsonDavid TennantChi chiDoll

Not Your Average



Good Jobs for Bad People is no-nonsense.

That’s a lie. There’s loads of nonsense in here. But some of it’s probably useful to someone!


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Bad People

A. Lopez-Wyld

A. Lopez-Wyld


“This newsletter is really all the tough, adult, job-related love I need.”

P. King

P. King


“The only newsletter I’m excited to open.”

R. Farwell

R. Farwell


“There’s a lot of good stuff amongst the nonsense, but I won £100 from one of the competitions once which was pretty cool.”


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