50 Teeny Tiny Changes That Will Make You So Much Happier

Mental Health | Toni | 3 Minute Read
You don’t have to pack up your entire life and buy a one way ticket to Italy to be happy (although that works).

50 Teeny Tiny Changes That Will Make You So Much Happier

Mental Health | Toni | 3 Minute Read
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You don’t have to pack up your entire life and buy a one way ticket to Italy to be happy (although that works). Making teeny tiny mindful changes (without even really trying) can entirely change your life, and your perspective on living. We’ve compiled our top 50  small habits for a happier life that you can adopt today, without even really thinking about it. Even if we only make your life 1% better, that’s still better than yesterday! Stay happy, friends :).

1. Smile at strangers.

2. Eat breakfast (before your coffee).

3. Sleep with your phone in a different room (& buy an alarm clock).

4. Set time limits on all of your most-used apps.

5. Take a really cold shower.

6. Eat dessert. Daily.

7. Do some social media spring cleaning. Unfollow anyone who’s content doesn’t make you feel good.

8. Call your parents.

9. Take the stairs (if you can).

10. Write thank you letters.

11. Take those jeans to the charity shop. They don’t fit anymore, and that’s ok.

12. If the journey is under an hour, walk (without headphones!).

13. Read more.

14. Order something different on the menu.

15. Order what you actually want (not what you think you should have).

16. Count memories, not calories.

17. Stop making yourself the butt of your own jokes.

18. No phone first thing in the morning, or last thing at night.

19. Get dressed every day. Even if it’s just a matching sweatsuit & a slick-back bun.

20. Practice gratitude (it actually works).

21. If you don’t want to do something, don’t do it.

22. Make your bed, and wash your bedsheets.

23. Look after your possessions.

24. Invest in great bed sheets.

25. Start taking supplements, but do your research.

26. Make peace with the things you can't change.

27. Wash your make-up brushes.

28. If you’re unsure about a big purchase, start a savings pot. Once you have enough saved, decide if you actually want it. If you don’t spend the savings on a different treat for yourself.

29. Put your chocolate in the fridge.

30. Host a dinner party.

31. Eat more plants.

32. Polish your jewellery, hang up your coats.

33. Buy an emotional support water bottle.

34. Stop saying sorry in emails.

35. Stop overusing exclamation marks.

36. Go to the cinema. Buy the popcorn.

37. Say no to plans.

38. Take yourself out for solo-dates.

39. Fold your clothes!

40. Prioritise your hobbies (try one for your body, one for your mind, one for your creativity and one to make you money).

41. Don’t go on your phone when you’re eating dinner.

42. Go to therapy.

43. Spend more time outside.

44. Learn how to breathe deeper. In through your nose, out through your mouth.

45. Go out of your way to help others, and the same will happen to you.

46. Delete social media apps you don't really enjoy.

47. De-clutter your camera roll (and re-discover some of your fave memories in the process).

48. Print out your favourite photos and start a photo album. Write the date and location on the back of each pic.

49. Start your own traditions, and honour them.

50. Your personality is a reflection of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Take a look at those 5 people, and make sure you’re ok with that.

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