How to work with a boss when you have a problem with authority

Isobel | Good Jobs | 3 Minute Read

How to work with a boss when you have a problem with authority

Isobel | Good Jobs | 3 Minute Read
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First things first, I am not an anarchist. You won’t catch me smashing up shops, setting things on fire, throwing Heinz soup onto art, or protesting my beliefs with shared Canva infographics on socials. That’s not for me. Critical thinking hats on. 

Imagine a slightly sulky teenager with a bit of an attitude problem stuck in a classroom, with a boring teacher. I never shouted, swore or threw a chair, I simply scowled. That girl still lives inside me 16 years later, she’s chilled out and grown up, but still in there. 

When that sulky teenager first heard the phrase “learn the rules so you know how to break them properly” it stuck with her ever since. Here’s why. Since you asked! (No one did.)

It summarises, in the simplest of terms, the need to gain an understanding of a system, set of rules or conventions before you can challenge them. The importance of valuing knowledge and intentionality over mindless rebellion. The ignorant breaking of rules is normally unwise.

Instead of passively accepting inherited wisdom, allow yourself to question it, analyse it, understand the boundaries and limitations, and use that knowledge to form new pathways of thinking. It's all about critically examining conventions – rather than overthrowing them recklessly. (I have stuck bananas in for free at the self-checkouts and bought a train ticket after my Railcard expired.)

If you want to be a person that innovates or creates new tech, products, songs, or art, it requires studying what came before – even if you don’t like it. Only after immersing yourself and grasping why the rules exist can you start to re-imagine possibilities.

I am particularly lucky to work with two bosses and a team of talented people who are open-minded, unconventional and truly supportive of growth and change.

If you’re feeling stuck in a job where you can’t grow, start looking for a company or organisation that values the same things you do. Like-minded, exciting and interesting people. This takes time and risks to find, but keep hanging around in our emails and look at the companies we share. If you respect the people you work with, and you feel respected, the anger toward that authority will likely dissipate. (Unless it’s the Revenue Protection Officers on the trains – you fucking suck.) 

We all need people around us – even if you’re a rebellious introvert.

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